Ciisaa -
Ciisaa is a simple 5ch (formerly 2ch) browser. Use the drop-down list you have to be able to browse efficiently a plurality of plate-Threading.
Ciisaa is a simple 5ch (formerly 2ch) browser.
Instead of tabs in a so-called "tab browser", drop-down lists are used to efficiently browse multiple boards and threads.
■ Main features
・5ch, Machi BBS, Taraba, 5ch compatible external board viewing, writing responses, creating threads
・Supports 5ch ronin
・Register NG words (NG words in the message text can also be registered by board/thread)
・Chain Abon
・Abone Thread, Aboneless transparent display
・Automatic image download
・Thumbnail display of images
・Automatically track board server relocation
・Similar thread search
- Favorites can be organized using folders
・Selectable color theme (built-in color theme, user-created color theme)
・Browsing Taraba's past logs
What's New in the Latest Version 1.76
Last updated on Jul 16, 2023 ver.1.76[主な機能変更・追加]
・5ch APIを使用しないよう変更