Check-in ALL -
Check-in ALL your social networks like Facebook, Foursquare, Gowalla, Twitter in one-click! Now you can inform friends in multiple social networks about your current location with ease, without having to login to multiple accounts.
If you have feedback for us, or bugs to
report, please email us [email protected] and give us your
handset model and we'll try to fix it asap!
Keywords: Check-in, place, places, Facebook, Foursquare, Gowalla, Jiepang, Twitter, Tween, share location, fun, my places, Android, one-click check-in, multiple check-in, Easy, Free, Near places, nearby, store, department, mall, quick, clear interface, Shout, shouted, Google Latitude, latitude, longitude, gps
What's New in the Latest Version 2.4.2
Last updated on Nov 15, 2015 1) Removed: Google Latitude(Because of Google+ launched, we may add Google+ to check in next version)
2) Fixed Chinese places in Jiepang(街旁), Foursquare