Car Service and Fuel Records -
Track Fuel consumption, maintenance schedule, Service history and Costs
Keep track of your vehicles and log activities: Fuel fill, Service, Maintenance, Insurance and Cost. Track Fuel Efficiency, Service Reminders and various costs. Quick snapshot of the fuel and service reminders in dashboard
- Log fuel/gas fill up and mileage is automatically calculated
- Historical Chart View of fuel efficiency, Monthly Fuel Cost and Fuel Consumption
- Reminders - Time and mileage based service, fuel, Insurance payments
- Support for recording replaced vehicle parts like Battery, Tyre etc., during service
- Backup and restore feature, CSV file export to preserve your car data
- Settings for Multiple units are supported (km/mi, gal/liter, currency) and Currency symbols
- Add and Track unlimited number of vehicles like car, bike etc.,
- View complete history of service and fuel fill
** Please post your comments if any issues or new feature request.