Busca Descontos

Busca Descontos Online Shopping
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1
  • 2.98MB

Busca Descontos -


Black Friday is the day with the greatest retail discounts, an already traditional event in the United States. The Busca Descontos brought to the country Black Friday Brazil in 2010 and since then has only grown. The best Brazilian e-commerce discount day is also consolidated as the day with the most internet sales in Brazil.

Black Friday Brazil 2012 takes place on November 23rd, throughout the day. There are 24 hours of offers, discounts and promotions of the best stores in Brazilian e-commerce. Participate and save on the largest shopping day on the internet!

With the app you can enjoy coupons that can reach 70% off.

Wait for the countdown to BlackFrideay and enjoy!

Terms and conditions

Busca Descontos does not sell products, it is a free website for netizens. As an offense aggregator we cannot guarantee the price and availability of offers. The images are merely illustrative. There is a price difference or product description between the Busca Descontos website and the store's website, the valid and practiced condition will be that of the shopkeeper's website. Always check out the price and conditions directly on the store's website. See also free delivery rules, installment and sales policy on the shopkeeper's website. Deals, conditions of sale and retailers may be changed or interrupted at any time without notice. Always confirm the price on the product of the store product targeted before making the purchase. The delivery of the order is conditional on the availability of the shopkeeper's stock and is not under the control of the operations of BuscardesContos.com.br

What's New in the Latest Version 1.1

Last updated on APR 2, 2016 correction in rendering on high definition screens.

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