Brilliance -
Simply stunning photos!
Brilliance is an easy way to browse photos from on your mobile phone. You can bookmark users, search, and stumble through the gorgeous images uploaded by the 500px community.
✓ Search by keyword
✓ Live wallpaper with Parallax effect
✓ Log into 500px
✓ Browse your photos
✓ Browse recommended photos
✓ Like photos
✓ Add photos to favorites
✓ Comment on photos
✓ Browsing history
✓ Bookmark users, searches, and categories
✓ Pinch to zoom and panning
✓ View favorite photos
✓ View friends/following
Brilliance uses the same engine as Stumblr and UI should be familiar to anyone who has used the Stumblr Android app. Swiping left or right for secondary content, pinching to zoom images, long-clicking bookmarks or history items to delete, and clicking a username to add to bookmarks works just as it does with Stumblr.
Brilliance is designed for use on a modern phone with a fast data connection. If you are experiencing performance issues, reduce the image quality to 3 in settings or check Use Proxy in settings.
*This product uses the 500px API but is not endorsed or certified by 500px.
**All 500px Trademarks displayed on this application are property of 500px Inc.