bod -
Get the bod dating app--the best in GPS dating apps. Change your odds with bod.
bod (Bad Online Dates) revolutionizes mobile dating by offering new opportunities, choices, and most importantly HOPE, all while on a bad date.
- Move on from a bad date and meet another person also on a bad date
- Simply choose to meet someone new, in real-time -- bod is your bad date rescue
- Use powerful search tools to see who’s available near you and also looking for a date
- Never miss a connection again with with smart push notifications
bod is the mop-up crew for all the other dating sites and dating brands by giving the dater an “OK” to leave and find someone that’s a better match - a plan B. The person that is right for you may be right down the street in a similar situation and now with bod, new doors of hope and chance are now open. And as our slogan says: “Seriously, nobody likes a bad date. Change your odds with bod.”
50% of first dates end up being a poor match, now you can change your odds by finding a new date in REAL TIME! You can upgrade your date with a better match for you! Choose your next move - Netflix and chill? Looking for a new Bae? Just want to grab a drink with someone new?
bod is free to use and free to connect, stop paying for your right to find the perfect match! Try it now, YOLO!