Blocked INN

Blocked INN Travel
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.8
  • 8.41MB

Blocked INN -

Clean comfortable safe temporary accommodations for commuting airline crew.

Greetings! We are Jeff and Alyssa Bretzer. One may inquire as to why we started the Blocked INN? The answer is very simple…NECESSITY!

Jeff is a captain at United Airlines and after 25 years he is finally senior enough to not be on reserve, but that was not always the case.

In 1999, Jeff was on reserve. Being a commuter from Florida, he needed a crash pad and he was in one, an overcrowded, dirty, tiny dump. You know the kind, bunk style futons in the living areas and wall-to-wall beds in the bedroom! You couldn’t watch television if someone was trying to sleep. The only time the place would get cleaned was when he was there, but cleaning up after other people gets old with a haste. He also had stayed in the hotel style crash pads where they rent to 25+ people and there are 8 beds. If you don’t get there early… you’re sleeping on the couch or the floor. He was miserable and dreaded going to work. Thus, we decided to do it right! Provide a place for commuting pilots that was upscale, clean, quiet, and NOT an “Animal House”! We purchased “The Estate” in Elizabeth, NJ and the Blocked INN was born!

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