Birthday Reminder (ad free) -
Never forget birthdays or anniversary again
Birthday Reminder generates notifications once a day for each contact with birthday on the current day. By clicking on the notification you will be directed to the contact card. There you decide how to communicate with your contacts.
If you allways send Whatsapp (or Telegram, Threema or Skype) messages or SMS/MMS to your contacts, you can choose to go there directly. The contact card will be opened in case you have no mobile number for your contact.
In settings you will find opportunities to define templates for you SMS/MMS messages. Templates do not apply for messengers. No message will be send without your confirmation. You can modify the text to your contact before sending.
Each day at the configured time (default: 9 am) all your contacts will be checked for birthdays.
You will also find a birthday list with contact photos.
Starting with Version 2.4 it is possible to trigger the reminder by external applications like Tasker, Locale or Llama. You can also notify Light Flow as an external application.
Please validate your settings in your first start.
Supported Languages:
- German
- English
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Italian
- Russian
- French
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Greek
- Turkish
- Korean
Required Permissions:
READ_CONTACTS - to get birthdays of your contacts
RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - to automatically start at boot
EXPAND_STATUS_BAR - to close status bar on action button click
READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - to be able to read select a ringtone from external card
VIBRATE - allow use of vibration
What's New in the Latest Version 2.6.0
Last updated on Mar 24, 2016 see 2.6
• ActionBar changed to Toolbar with animation
• Version Information moved to navigation
• Internal code refactors and optimizations
• Bug Fix: Ringtone from external storage caused crash (required new permission)