Backstage (for EverythingMe) -
EverythingMe's beta-testers app
Help us make EverythingMe better by using the latest and greatest features before everyone else!
*** In order to use Backstage you need a password that is available after joining the testers community on G+: ***
Reporting bugs
To report a bug tap the red REPORT A BUG button in the main screen - a short form will open up. Please describe the issue you've been encountering. By reporting a bug via the Backstage app we get crucial stats from your device that will help us handle issue better and more efficiently.
G+ Community
It's the place to be! Discuss updates and new features with hundreds of users from all over the world. Backstage is a tool crafted to suit our community needs and will keep evolving with your help.
Version updates/downloads
You can check the "Download only over Wi-Fi" if you have a limited data plan. Our server sends new versions of EverythingMe to users with Backstage installed - you should get an update every few days - each update weight around 11MB.
We recommend to keep this box unchecked to get the latest versions once they're up!
Keep in touch!
Via our G+ community:
Want to help us translate EverythingMe to your local language? Join our Translators community on Google +
What's New in the Latest Version 2.0.240
Last updated on Sep 6, 2015 * Link to join test group in initial login screen* Server fixes
* Should update EverythingMe smoothly now