Auto Centric -
Service and Repair Specializing in Honda Toyota Lexus Acura Servicing all makes
Auto Repair Grand Rapids MI
Auto Centric domestic & import auto repairs in Grand Rapids MI. Honda Acura dealership alternative for major and minor repairs, full diagnosis, maintenance, and warranty approved servicing on your car, truck, or fleet vehicle. We repair most makes of cars, SUVs, pickup trucks, 4x4 four wheel drive, and diesel powered vehicles. Specialize in Honda Acura Toyota Lexus auto service and repairs.
Providing bumper to bumper high quality domestic and import auto repair service to our happy Grand Rapids auto repair shop customers for over 30 years.
Family owned and operated since 1978 Auto Centric is the leading independent Acura auto repair shop in Grand Rapids 49525 area. Owner Tom & Deb Ham and their staff take pride in getting to know you, your vehicle and your special needs. Simply put, we provide a higher level of care and concern for our customers and their vehicles.
At Auto Centric you will find:
ASE Certified, highly trained Technicians
Honest, upfront, competitive pricing
High quality workmanship & parts
Accurate estimates
Bosch Authorized Repair
AAA Approved Repair Facility
Personal attention
Latest repair equipment
Bright and comfortable waiting area
Vehicle service reminders