
AppGratis Life Entertainment
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 3.1.4
  • 50MB

AppGratis -

Daily FREE apps (and other cool discounts).

★ AppGratis - every day a FREE app!

That gratis on the name is no lie, our app of the day will always be FREE!

… plus get discounts of up to 90% off on unmissable apps.

★ What is AppGratis?

AppGratis is a discovery app for me to let you know about the coolest apps I find and negotiate just for you… by turning them to free! The deals are for 24 hours only though, so you better not miss my app of the day.

✓ Frequent “freemium giveaways” like free in-app purchases, level unlocks, and other cool stuff you would normally have to pay for.

✓ Benefit from my huge network of app developer contacts from all over the world to get the best apps out there for FREE.

✓ Every single app is hand-picked and tested thoroughly (by a real human being).

✓ Only one alert a day. No exceptions, just a reminder as the app of the day will only be there for 24 hours!

If you’ve got any questions, declarations, want to propose an app, or you accidentally sat on your phone, I can be reached day or night at [email protected]

What's New in the Latest Version 3.1.4

Last updated on Nov 24, 2016 ★ Even faster than before
★ To flag up a bug, use the 'bug to report?' button in Settings
★ A suggestion, problem or complaint? Write to me at [email protected], and I will reply

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