
AllUnite Online Shopping
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 3.1.14
  • 8.97MB

AllUnite -

Get 15% coupons in shops near you

AllUnite is Tinder for shops.

If you "Like" a shop you will become VIP and regularly receive VIP offers from the shop.

The first offer is 15% discount on everything in the shop.

If you share the VIP offer it will last 14 days instead of 3 days.

There are more than 1000 shops in AllUnite.

About AllUnite

AllUnite is a Scandinavian company established in 2013.

The mission of AllUnite is to support local shops by uniting all shops to cooperate.

Since 2013 AllUnite has launched it's concept in more than 50 countries in Europe, Asia, North America and South America.

After 12 month of operation AllUnite passed 1 million users.

Present more than 3 million users are shopping in a AllUnite shop every day.

AllUnite is an independent company owned by founders, Northzone Ventures, COOP Invest and Thornico.

AllUnite Policies

* AllUnite guarantees the user not to present content that is unwanted, deceptive, repetitive, or unrelated to the core function of the app.

* AllUnite don't infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, or encourage or induce infringement of intellectual property rights.

* AllUnite do not publish or disclose any private or confidential user information.

* AllUnite follows the Google Play Content Policy.

What's New in the Latest Version 3.1.14

Last updated on Feb 15, 2016 New interface
Bug fixes

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