AION | All In One News - Lite

AION | All In One News - Lite Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1.3
  • 384.66KB

AION | All In One News - Lite -

The best rss reader for many news online. All news will be fetch local and merge to be one. So, you can read in 1 list. You don't have to switch category to read every news. Just scroll the list. RSS will be auto delete after 2 days.

Rss list will be order from newest. It's make you easy to read and know a news you haven't read.

Rss source from:

Cnn World | Top Stories | Africa | Americas | Asia | Europe | Middle East | U.S

Spiegel World | Germany | European

Asia One World | Singapore | Asia

DW World | Germany | Europe |Asia

LA Times World | Africa | Americas | Asia | Europe

Wasington Post World | Africa | Americas | Asia | Europe

NY Times World | Africa | Americas | Pasific | Europe

Detik News | Finance | Hot | Inet | Sport | Otomotif | Foot | Health | Travel | Walipop

Kompas Nasional | Regional | International | Megapolitan | Keuangan | Olah raga | Sains | Travel | Oase | Edukasi | English | Wisata Kota Toea

Antara Nasional | Ekonomi | Olah Raga | Hiburan | Teknologi | Warta Bumi | Artikel

Tribunnews Nasional | Jogja | International | Superball | Sport | Metropolitan | Seleb | Lifestyle


Pikiran Rakyat Jawa Barat | Bandung Raya | Nasional

inilah Pasar Modal | Ekonomi | Bola | Olah Raga | Teknologi | Artis | Gaya Hidup | Dunia

Metro Tv News Berita Aktual | Nasional | Ekonomi | Internasional | Olah Raga

Tv One News

Tempo Terkini | Sepak Bola | International | Nasional | Otomotif | Teknologi | Bisnis | Olah Raga | Seleb | Gaya Hidup




21 Cineplex News | Playing | Comming

Blitz Megaplex

Okezone News | International | lifestyle | Selebrity | Sport | Bola | Autos | Tekno | Tokoh | Ekonomi | Suara Kampus

Suara Merdeka Nasional | Ekonomi | Otomotif | Sport | Entertainmen | Wanita | Lelaki | Gaya | Sehat | Expresi | Internasional

Tag: Movie,Cineplax,Otomotif,Teknologi,Bisnis,Sport,Olahraga,Seleb,Gaya Hidup,Bola,Artis,Lifestyle,Sains,Health,Foot,RSS.

If you need more rss to fetch, please email [email protected]. And it will add in next release

If you have problem after update. Please clean up data AION.

Setting > Application > Manage Application AION > Clear Data

What's New in the Latest Version 1.1.3

Last updated on Mar 21, 2016 V 1.1.3
Fix remove old news

V 1.1.2
Fix small bugs when fetch data failed.
New Feature: Last fetch data will be on top

V 1.1.1
Patch for list Position after share
Smooth position after return to list

V. 1.1
Fix order @list
1 click adsense to hide in 1 day
Remember Last Scroll position
Add new source RSS
Okezone | Suara merdeka

V. 1.0
New Version of P4N(Portal 4 News)
New Brand AION(All In One News) - Lite

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