600 tu vung toeic

600 tu vung toeic Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 3.6
  • 12.74MB

600 tu vung toeic -

Vocabulary TOEIC 600 - 600 Essential Word for the TOEIC, 600 Words English

TOEIC - 600 TOEIC LOCKSCREEN vocabulary applications that support 600 English vocabulary for free anytime, anywhere on Android smartphone

- Learning 600 tu for TOEIC through the lock screen (Lock Screen)

- Learning 600 tu vung toic through reminder mode

- Learn 600 tu TOEIC through practice exercises

- Add new vocabulary

- 6000 tu vung English

- 600 Essential Word for TOEIC

Lock screens (Lock Screen)

- Replace the default lock screen of the device with the lock screen of Hana

- On the lock screen appears a TOEIC vocabulary and two answers

- Users choose the right meaning to unlock

- Support for memory longer than every time passively

- Faculty of English

Reminder mode

- Vocabulary will be displayed right on the screen of the phone

- Just use the phone and learn vocabulary passively

- Support to remember the TOEIC vocabulary faster and remember longer

Notify reminders

- Timer to remind new words

- Set the number of reminder, reminder time

- Remind by topic

Practice exercises

- Hearing: Help quickly remember new vocabulary

- Turn over the flashcard: Help remember the difficult words that have not immediately remembered in the Flash Card style

- Test (in the style of Ai La Trieu Phu): Check the effectiveness of the word

- Practice listening: Listening to vocabulary to choose the answer

- Practice speaking: Supporting the practice of pronunciation

- Check again by the method of "chasing words"

Vietnamese English Dictionary

- With each new word supports the Vietnamese English dictionary

- Full meaning, example

- Synonymous words, misleading

- Voncharies and support for standard voices

Support for TOEIC IELTS TOEFL exam preparation

- Common English vocabulary

- Basic IELTS vocabulary

- Essential TOFLT vocabulary

- 600 TOEIC exam preparation vocabulary

All suggestions please send to us or comment to us, thank you coc coc

The TOEIC certificate is increasingly popular and the TOEIC only is more and more popular and is chosen by many universities as a standard output such as Polytechnic University, National Economics University ... and is used by many foreign enterprises as input standards.

It is not difficult to achieve the high score in the TOEIC test. In addition to listening practice, the vocabulary knowledge is extremely important.

But just memorizing about 600 TOEIC vocabulary and you can have enough vocabulary needed to complete the Toiec test easily, what is simpler. Learning is even simpler with the application that supports 600 TOEIC Lockscreen vocabulary

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