14 days Weather & Flip Clock

14 days Weather & Flip Clock Practical Tools
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.10.1
  • 4.5MB

14 days Weather & Flip Clock -

If You need compact, data transfer safe weather clock app,ideal for smartphones!

Application adds widget, that presents clock and weather info. Data is synchronized with Internet for current weather stations readings provided by widget. Application is ideal for cell phones and tablets with small screen.

After clicking on the clock on the widget You can get to the settings of application - style of widget and weather changes notifications.

After clicking on the temperature on the widget You can see weather for the next 14 days.

Data transfer calculated for YEAR is about 5-100MB so it's compact even on small GSM operators data packages and prepaid services.


- This application have weather widget as it's main functionality - you have to add it directly on your screen not in the applications menu!

- Before signing bug or comment about bug update Your app to the newest version!

- This app includes ads. If You want ads free version, please go to: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.bbxm.pogodynka.full

Support is also provided at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SimpleWeatherClock

Clock includes bundled styles:

- Classic Black,

- Funny Ghosts,

- So! Pink,

- Sweet Blue,

- Classic White,

- Clean

- Polish Flag theme.

App Interface changes in-time with the weather and time of the day.

Available in Polish, English, German, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Russian.

If You don't want to get Ads - buy PRO version!

What's New in the Latest Version 2.10.1

Last updated on Aug 23, 2015 - Multiple optimizations done for performance and security
- Advertisement reduction

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